Harvard Business School Online is excited to announce the launch of The Parlor Room, a new podcast that demystifies vital business concepts and provides practical takeaways for your career.
Check out The Parlor Room trailer:
Hosted by HBS Online Creative Director Chris Linnane, The Parlor Room features entertaining, insightful conversations with HBS faculty on a range of topics, including:
- Apple's powerful financial model with Leading with Finance Professor Mihir Desai
- How to succeed at the bargaining table with Negotiation Mastery Professor Michael Wheeler
- Creating brand value with Credential of Leadership, Impact, and Management in Business (CLIMB) Professor Jill Avery
The show’s title references the parlor rooms of Victorian-era homes, where friends and family would gather and have discussions. Linnane records each episode on a set inspired by those spaces’ aesthetics. In his interviews with faculty, he aims to break down academic theory without sacrificing depth.
“Harvard Business School Online courses are built from real-world business narratives,” Linnane says. “As a dedicated storyteller, this approach sparked my interest in business and education. Over the past decade, I've been fortunate to acquire a distinct behind-the-scenes perspective, collaborating closely with esteemed HBS faculty to shape these powerful lessons. My mission? To share this insider view with learners worldwide.”
Every conversation focuses on a real-world example that illustrates an essential business lesson. Before closing the show, Linnane and his faculty guest answer pre-submitted questions related to the discussion topic to invite audience participation and create an engaging experience.
The Parlor Room’s first episode—featuring Professor Desai—will be released on October 16, 2023. New episodes will be available every two weeks on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music, YouTube, or wherever you get your podcasts.
Visit The Parlor Room page to follow the show, submit a question, and stay up to date on new episodes.